Working Genius

Build Powerful Teams

Working Genius

The Working Genius is Patrick Lencioni’s newest teamwork model, which helps people understand how they can contribute to work most effectively. This tool can help individuals, leaders and teams better leverage one another’s strengths and understand how to be both productive and fulfilled at work.

As Certified Working Genius Facilitators, we can analyze and apply results to help individuals and teams leverage Working Genius to be more innovative, strategic, and effective.

The 6 Types of Working Genius®


People with the Genius of Wonder love to speculate and question. They ask questions like, “Why are things the way they are? Is there a better way?” They love to sit in the ambiguity and imagine the possibilities. People with the Genius of Wonder help create the conditions for Invention.


People with the Genius of Invention get joy from taking challenges and generating solutions. They enjoy innovating from scratch and love a blank whiteboard or piece of paper on which they can brainstorm. Invention is the most commonly recognized Genius but all six Geniuses are needed to get work done.


People with the Genius of Discernment have a natural ability to evaluate the workability of ideas. They are good curators of what’s going on around them and can recognize patterns. They know how to connect the dots and give people good feedback across a broad range of topics.


People with the Genius of Galvanizing love to get things moving. They are great at pushing people out of their comfort zone and inspiring them to get started. They enjoy rallying people around an idea and getting them moving in the right direction.


People with the Genius of Enablement make things happen. They know how to help, when to help, and can flex to whatever the situation calls for. People with the Genius of Enablement are people-oriented and want to help realize a vision. This Genius provides the support needed to move solutions into the first stages of Implementation.


People with the Genius of Tenacity are task-oriented and love to take things across the finish line. They ensure a project is going to have the impact it’s supposed to have and lives up to agreed-upon standards. They don’t respond to the emotional appeal of the Galvanizer, but to the need to see the work completed. They get joy and energy from checking off a box on the “to do” list.


The Working Genius assessment is 20% personality and 80% productivity. People who understand their genius show up to work happier, are more effective, and play well with others.

This program can transform work for people by helping them:

  • Understand why they have been successful or unsuccessful in past endeavors
  • Clarify which types of work give joy and energy and which types are draining and difficult
  • Avoid making unfair and inaccurate judgments about one another’s motivation
  • Alleviate guilt about struggles people have with certain types of work
  • Improve dialogue and directives in team meetings
  • Make quick and concrete adjustments to roles and responsibilities to better tap into one another’s strengths, and avoid one another’s weaknesses
  • Get more done in less time

“This groundbreaking new model and assessment have revolutionized the way I look at work and teams. I am excited for everyone to understand their gifts and frustrations so they can better experience fulfillment and dignity in their work.”

And it only takes 10 minutes.

Author & Creator of The 6 Types of Working Genius

As Certified Working Genius Facilitators, we can analyze and apply results to help individuals and teams leverage Working Genius to be more innovative, strategic, and effective.

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