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How to Create a Rich Discussion via Commenting on Blog Posts

By Robert Sher


Nowadays, the article posted by an author/blogger is just a conversation starter.  Much rich dialog happens when people make high quality comments, and others reply, weighing in with their own experience and point of view.

Yet not all comments are equally stimulating to other readers.  If you see a post that relates to you or what you do, take the opportunity to join in the conversation and follow these tips to attract other readers to speak up.

  1. Have a strong point of view (POV) in your comment.  The stronger or more controversial you are, the better, as more people will respond.  Don’t worry about hurting the feelings of the author.  Complementing the author is “nice”, but won’t increase involvement by other readers.  Put your strong POV first, and your compliments second.
  2. Disagree with the author, and point out why you think he/she is wrong.
  3. Add a new idea to the conversation that may have been omitted.  Inform the readers of something new they need to know.  Are there some important perspectives not discussed?  Jump right in.
  4. Ask a question about the experiences of others, or about a different POV.
  5. Direct a question at someone quoted in the article.
  6. Add you own stories and experience in a comment.
  7. Be helpful to the readers by offering additional readings, letting them know about upcoming events.  (But don’t blatantly try and sell your wares.)

Once you’ve commented on the story, don’t forget to check back since you may want to reply to the comments from other people.  Also, share the story with your network, on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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